Kitchen Layouts

Cabinets for Kitchenettes: Designer Tips & Tricks
Kitchenettes have their unique design challenges for kitchen designers and homeowners. We chatted with one of

7 Small Kitchen Storage Ideas for Clutter-Free, Organized Cabinets
7 Small Kitchen Storage Ideas Make use of small areas with specialized cabinetry. Use utensil drawer

Open Concept Kitchen Design: Is it Right for Your Home?
An open-concept kitchen is a popular design trend that eliminates walls or barriers of separation in

Beautiful Galley Kitchens: How to Maximize Space and Style
What are Galley Kitchens? A galley kitchen is a narrow, efficient kitchen layout that consists of

Why You Need a Quality Kitchen Island with Impressive Storage
Does your house have a kitchen island? Kitchen islands have become a staple in modern kitchen

The Kitchen Triangle: How to Design Convenient, Harmonious Kitchens
What is the Kitchen Triangle Concept? Have you heard of the “kitchen triangle” design? It can

7 Popular U-Shaped Kitchen Design Ideas to Think About
When a U-shaped kitchen layout is carefully considered, it also ensures that the working space is

9 Popular Kitchenette Ideas You Need to Try
Kitchenettes originated during the early 20th century in America. They weren’t really a thing before that.

8 Amazing Ideas to Think About for The Popular L-Shaped Kitchen Design
A Kitchen layout that\’s carefully considered also ensures that the working space is a practical area to

10 Amazing One-Wall Kitchen Ideas to Explore
The one-wall kitchen layout features the whole setup located against a single wall, from cabinets to

6 Popular Kitchen Hutch Designs and Ideas That You Need to Know
A common question asked is “what is a kitchen hutch?”
Well, in short, a hutch is a

13 Things to consider for a Basement Kitchen and Avoid Costly Mistakes
A basement kitchen requires similar considerations as the main floor kitchen but with ramifications for below